Major Life Transitions
Experiencing transitions in life can affect mental, physical, social, or spiritual well being.
These changes might include :
Adapting to a new family dynamic due to adoption, divorce, separation, or remarriag
Adjusting to caring for a family member who is no longer able to live independently due to illness or old age
Embracing a new quality of life because of a life threatening illness
Changing career or place of employment, or contemplating a new program of study
Relocating to a new school, community and/or home environment
Receiving a recent diagnosis and trying to navigate how to best to handle this
Counseling can offer a safe and confidential place to work through the difficulties of life transitions. It can assist individuals and families in developing a stronger sense of self-worth, a greater understanding of strengths and resources, and a better awareness of how to handle stressful situations, all of which are needed to effectively navigate life's many challenges.